Resource Directory
Find resource information for families and children with special healthcare needs.
Some of these resources are specific for families and children enrolled in our programs. Others may be of interest to any family or child with special healthcare needs.
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Education Resources
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QuestBridge is a nonprofit that connects high-achieving students from low-income backgrounds to scholarships, financial aid and other learning opportunities to help them attend top colleges nationwide. QuestBridge also provides a Student Resource Center featuring a student workbook, checklists and tips for preparing, applying and paying for college. Its programs include:
- The College Prep Scholars Program helps high school juniors become strong applicants to top colleges.
- Quest for Excellence Awards provide high school juniors opportunities to receive scholarships, laptops and funding for partner college visits.
- The National College Match is the next step for high school seniors. College Match participants can apply for free to colleges and be considered for early admission and a full four-year scholarship.
- The QuestBridge Regular Decision program provides finalists who do not match an opportunity to be considered for admission and financial aid through a partnering college.
Visit the QuestBridge website for up-to-date program information, application deadlines and information about other programs.
Ladder Up provides free programs to eligible Chicagoland residents to help move up the economic ladder. Individuals can receive guidance in financial education, tax help and preparation, and turning the dream of college into reality. Ladder Up programs and services include:
- The Tax Assistance Program
- The Legal Tax Clinic
- Financial aid for college workshops
- Financial education workshops
- Tax tips for self-employed/small business owners
Medical/Health Resources
Almost Home Kids provides a bridge from hospital to home through an innovative community-based care system for children with medical complexities. It responds to the needs of families, trains caregivers, offers respite care, advocates for accessibility and inclusion and educates healthcare professionals.
Almost Home Kids offers transitional, respite and respite transportation care. It has locations in Chicago, Naperville and Peoria.
Maryville Children's Healthcare Center
Maryville Children’s Healthcare Center provides care to children with complex medical needs who are not yet able to go home. They also provide training for caregivers enabling them to care for the child when he/she transitions home. Maryville offers both transitional and respite care.
Get Covered Illinois - The Official Health Marketplace
If you are looking for health insurance for yourself or your family, or if you own a small business or lead a nonprofit organization this website is the official site in Illinois for signing up for health insurance.