DSCC Unveils its First Annual Report

We are proud to release our organization’s first Annual Report.
The fiscal year 2016 Annual Report for the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Division of Specialized Care for Children covers July 1, 2015, through June 30, 2016.
It provides a comprehensive overview of our programs and how they help improve the lives of children with special healthcare needs and their families. The report includes personal stories from two of our families about how their care coordinators provided much-needed support and resources to help their child and family as a whole thrive. It also highlights how we support the outreach and educational mission of the University through our networking activities, community partnerships and internship opportunities.
We hope this document helps explain the difference that our care coordination makes and our commitment to children and families. We look forward to producing a new report each year to provide an ongoing update of the ways we evolve and improve to partner with healthcare systems and strengthen our relationships with families and communities.
Read more about the FY 2016 Annual Report here.