DSCC Youth React to ‘Wonder’

Popular movie about a boy with craniofacial differences strikes a chord with DSCC participants.
The hit movie “Wonder,” based on a best-selling book about a boy named Auggie with profound facial differences, has moved audiences across the country with its message of kindness and acceptance. The movie is particularly emotional for children and families who’ve experienced many of the movie’s lessons and themes firsthand through their own experiences with a craniofacial condition.
The University of Illinois at Chicago’s Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) program served more than 1,600 youth with craniofacial anomalies and other disfiguring conditions in fiscal year 2017. Several of these youth and their families in our program have shared their thoughts about “Wonder” with their local media and the impact they hope the film will have on others. Click below for those stories:
- Emily Cihla shared her thoughts and experiences with several Chicago media outlets –
- ABC7 Chicago, “Teen Talks About Having Treacher Collins Syndrome”
- Chicago Sun-Times, “Teen Hopes Wonder Film Will Inspire Others with Rare Syndrome”
- NBC Chicago, “Foundation Brings Smiles to Kids with Facial Conditions”
- Kinley Winningham’s parents spoke with ABC Newschannel 20 – “Wonder Brings Hope to Local Parents”
- Tikyle Yates spoke with the Chicago Tribune– “Kids with craniofacial conditions hope film ‘Wonder’ will nurture awareness in others”
These teens and families did a wonderful job of promoting awareness about their condition and the importance of inclusion and understanding. Great job to all!