How to Get Health Insurance

Get the health coverage you need.
The Health Insurance Marketplace helps uninsured people enroll in health coverage.
You can compare health plans by using the Marketplace website or making an appointment with a Navigator. A Navigator can help you compare the plans available and enroll in a new plan or re-enroll in your current health plan. In Illinois, visit the Get Covered Illinois web page to locate a navigator in your area.
Open enrollment for health insurance through the Marketplace begins on November 15, 2014 and runs through February 15, 2015. During open enrollment you can re-enroll in your current health plan or select a new health plan.
If you purchased health insurance from the Marketplace last year, you should receive important notices from the federal government and your insurance company. These notices will help you understand your coverage options for this open enrollment period. Keep in mind health plans can change. Before you make a decision to stay with your health plan, it’s important to review the plan for any changes such as increased rates or provider network changes.
If you are receiving financial assistance and decide to keep your current health plan, make sure you verify your information so you receive the right amount of assistance.
If your financial situation has changed contact a Navigator to learn if you are eligible for financial assistance.