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Important Reminders: End of Public Health Emergency and Return to In-Person Visits

June 7th, 2023

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An overview of key changes affecting all Division of Specialized Care for Children participants now that the public health emergency is over

The public health emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic ended on May 11, 2023.

This ending brings a variety of changes for our Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) participant families. These changes include a return to in-person visits from DSCC Care Coordinators, an end to verbal signatures and more.

The following sections give an overview of key points and important dates to remember:

  • Reminders for All DSCC Program Participants
  • Reminders for Home Care Program Participants
  • Important Medicaid/Insurance Updates for All DSCC Participants in Medicaid
  • Contact Reminders for All DSCC Program Participants

Reminders for All DSCC Program Participants

Return to In-Person Visits

Meeting in person with our participants and families is an important part of care coordination. The public health emergency allowed face-to-face visits to occur virtually. Now that the public health emergency has ended, we must return to face-to-face meetings with our participants. 

Your DSCC Care Coordinator will work with you in advance to schedule your next in-person/home visit.  We understand that in-person visits with your Care Coordinator may be a change for you and your family. We paused these visits for several years during the public health emergency (though many families continued to meet with their Care Coordinator during the pandemic). 

Seeing you in person helps us get to know you and your family better. It can also help improve your connection with your DSCC Care Coordinator. Our partnership with Medicaid and Medicaid managed care plans also requires us to meet with you in person. If you have any concerns about in-person visits, please talk to your Care Coordinator. We will work with you to see how to best accommodate your preferences.

Verbal Signatures

The public health emergency allowed your Care Coordinator to receive necessary signatures verbally. As of May 11, 2023, it is a federal rule that DSCC can no longer accept verbal signatures.

  • Electronic signature options (such as through Adobe) remain an option for families when signing DSCC documents.

Reminders for Home Care Program Participants

End of Continued Medicaid and Program Enrollment for Those Found Ineligibile for Services

Starting April 1, 2023, DSCC began working with the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) to reassess all Home Care Program participants who received a notice of ineligibility for the program since March 1, 2020. Now that the public health emergency has ended, HFS’ notices accurately list the approved level of services for you or your child.

  • If you or your child received a notice of ineligibility for services since March 1, 2020, your services will remain in place until HFS completes a reassessment. The reassessment looks at your updated and current medical documentation and will occur before Sept. 30, 2023.
  • If you or your child received a notice of reduced nursing hours since March 1, 2020, your Care Coordinator will complete the next reassessment of services at your regularly scheduled renewal time. Services will remain in place until this reassessment occurs.

Reminders for Individuals in the Non-Waiver Program (Nursing and Personal Care Services)

Now that the public health emergency has ended, all individuals who turn 21 and are not on the Home and Community-Based Services Waiver for Those Who Are Medically Fragile Technology Dependent (MFTD), will not be eligible for services. If you or your child were on non-waiver services and turned 21 between the dates of March 1, 2020, and March 31, 2023, services will end on Sept. 30, 2023. Your Care Coordinator will work with you to ensure you or your child is set with an alternate state waiver, such as the Division of Rehabilitative Services (DRS), if applicable.

For all non-waiver participants under age 21, you must continue to have Medicaid coverage to receive Home Care services. It is important that you submit the redetermination form from Medicaid to keep your coverage. If you fail to meet Medicaid eligibility or do not respond in time, HFS will cancel your Medicaid case. Your Home Care services will then also end.

Additional COVID-19 Respite Allotment

During the public health emergency, HFS approved an additional 336 hours of respite to use before the regular respite allotment. This additional respite is for all Home Care MFTD waiver participants. Starting Nov. 11, 2023, this additional COVID respite will expire. All respite used after Nov. 11, 2023, will come from the standard respite allotment.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

During the public health emergency, nursing agencies were reimbursed for PPE when actively staffing nurses in the home. The PPE is for the nurses to use while caring for participants. This reimbursement of PPE supplies to the nursing agencies will end on Nov. 11, 2023.

Nursing Supervisory Visits

Nursing agencies resumed in-person supervisory visits in November 2020. Effective May 11, 2023, there can be no exceptions to replace in-person supervisory visits.

Important Medicaid/Insurance Updates for All DSCC Participants in Medicaid

These next sections explain important Medicaid updates now that the public health emergency and continuous Medicaid coverage period has ended. The end of the public health emergency may also affect your Medicaid coverage or your private health insurance coverage.

No More Copays or Premiums for Medicaid

Most Medicaid programs no longer have premiums or copays. All Kids Assist, Aid to the Aged Blind and Disabled (AABD) and Adult Medicaid do not have monthly premiums or copays for services. All Kids Premium 1, Premium 2 and Share programs are all called All Kids Assist now.

Medical Redetermination for Medicaid

Redetermination is when Medicaid looks to see if you are still eligible. They look at your residency, monthly income and other criteria to decide if you still qualify.

Medicaid sent forms to some members as early as May 2023. They will not complete redetermination on all cases at the same time. They will make the redeterminations over several months. This means that your Medicaid redetermination could happen now or later, even next year. It is important to make sure Medicaid has your current address. You can report your address online at or call (877) 805-5312. We also have a news post with more details about how to update your address.
Please watch your mail for letters from Medicaid.

Once you receive your redetermination notice, you will have about a month to respond. Medicaid may ask for more information about your income, residency or other information. If Medicaid asks for more information and you do not respond, your Medicaid coverage ends. You can return the redetermination in several ways:

  1. Online at using Manage My Case. Manage My Case is the quickest way to complete your redetermination.
  2. By mail.
  3. In person at a local Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS) Family Community Resource Center.
  4. By phone.

If you are in a Medicaid managed care plan (MCO), please remember the MCO does not do the redetermination. Medicaid does redetermination reviews. If you do not qualify for Medicaid anymore, your coverage ends. If you are still eligible, you keep your Medicaid coverage.

Don’t risk losing your health insurance. Please update your address with Illinois Medicaid. It’s easy, fast and free:

  • Call (877) 805-5312 from 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
  • Visit
  • If you use a TTY, call (877) 204-1012.

Please contact your DSCC Care Coordinator if you have questions about Medicaid redetermination.

Telehealth Coverage

Telehealth coverage for Medicaid (and other insurances) is a permanent change and will continue after the public health emergency to give Medicaid time to review for any future changes. You can review the HFS Provider Notice issued May 9, 2023, on Telehealth to learn more.

An Illinois law signed in 2021 requires insurance to cover telehealth through 2027. This law does not require that practitioners or providers offer telehealth services. Therefore, your providers may not offer telehealth care. The law only says that insurance must pay providers for telehealth care if they provide it.

Pharmacy Billing and Prior Approval Requirements

Pharmacy billing and prior approval requirements for Medicaid will resume. There were many flexibilities that allowed Medicaid members to get medications. These include overriding the refill too soon and waiving requirements for the preferred drug list, quantity and brand limits. If you go to the pharmacy and they tell you that you can’t get your medications, ask your doctor to submit a prior approval to Medicaid. You can review the HFS Provider Notice issued May 3, 2023, on Pharmacy Billing to learn more. Contact your DSCC Care Coordinator for more help.

DME and Therapy Prior Approval Requirements

DME and therapy prior approval requirements for Medicaid will resume. There are some services that Medicaid did not require a prior approval for during the public health emergency. These services include therapy, home health and some durable medical equipment (DME). It is important for your providers to get a prior approval so that Medicaid reviews medical eligibility for the services. You can review the HFS Provider Notice issued April 4, 2023, on Prior Approval Requirements for more details. Contact your DSCC Care Coordinator for more help.

COVID-19 Tests, Treatment, and Vaccines

Uninsured individuals will no longer get access to special COVID-19 Medicaid eligibility which included testing, services, treatment, and vaccine administration during the public health emergency. You can view the HFS Provider Notice issued May 9, 2023,  on Uninsured Population Special COVID-19 Coverage. Medicaid members who do have eligibility will continue to be able to access treatment, testing and vaccines.

Those with private insurance should also be able to continue to access treatment and vaccines as outlined by their plan.

Insurance plans will no longer cover over-the-counter tests for COVID-19  for free. Generally, a doctor will need to order the test and provide them in an office or similar facility. This may vary from plan to plan. You should call your insurance plan if you have questions. There may also be community organizations or public health departments still distributing COVID-19 tests and related services, such as vaccines, for free.

Extension of COBRA

During the public health emergency,  there was an extension of election and notice deadlines for someone to take COBRA after losing or leaving a job. That will expire 60 days after May 11, 2023.

Temporary Special Enrollment Period

For individuals who no longer qualify for Medicaid after they go through redetermination, there is a special open enrollment period through the federal health insurance marketplace to purchase private insurance. It will extend from March 31, 2023, to July 31, 2024. This is only for people with a special qualifying event, such as losing coverage. Otherwise, the regular open enrollment period will be in November and December for individuals who need to enroll in private insurance through the marketplace. The Illinois website is and the federal website is

Questions? Contact Us!

As a DSCC participant family, you can contact us with any questions or support your family needs.

Please note the best way to reach your care coordination team or any DSCC office is through our toll-free number of (800) 322-3722.

You can use this number to dial your Care Coordinator’s direct extension or to have our Customer Service Representatives connect you with the right person/team.

We have updated our phone system and ask everyone to use the (800) 322-3722 number as the simplest and fastest way to reach us.

Our office hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Please talk to your Care Coordinator if you have a need to speak outside of business hours.

You may also reach us through our general inbox or use our Contact Us or Request a Callback forms on our website.

Please talk with your Care Coordinator if you have more questions or need to update your communication preferences.

We are thankful for your partnership throughout the changes related to the end of the pandemic and public health emergency. Our team will continue to help support your family and connect you with the right services and resources.