Public Comment for Proposed MFTD Waiver Amendments

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Families have until Oct. 2 to provide feedback on several updates to the Home and Community-Based Services Waiver for children who are medically fragile and technology-dependent
The state invites families to provide feedback on several proposed amendments to the Home and Community-Based Services waiver for children who are medically fragile and technology-dependent (MFTD).
The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) operates the MFTD waiver. Many families in the Home Care Program have children who receive services through the MFTD waiver.
HFS has announced the following proposed amendments:
- Increase the Placement Maintenance Counseling rate from $50 to $86.28 to be more consistent with the Illinois Department of Human Services’ rates for counseling services.
- Update the cost projections for In-Home Shift Nursing and Certified Nursing Assistant for the waiver’s fifth year to account for recent rate increases and individuals over age 21 continuing to receive waiver services.
- Add Electrical Assessments to the current service definition under “Environmental Accessibility Adaptation” as an available option.
- Add Generators to the current service definition under “Environmental Accessibility Adaptation” as an available option.
- Lower the required number of bids for vehicle modifications from three to two.
HFS now invites the public to comment on these proposed amendments. (You can read the public comment notice on the HFS website.)
To review the full waiver amendments, you can:
- Download and read and/or print a hard copy of the amendments from the HFS website.
- Call (217) 524-4148 to receive a hard copy.
- Review copies at Healthcare and Family Services offices at :
- 201 South Grand Ave. E.,
Springfield, IL 62763
- 401 S. Clinton
Chicago, IL 60607
- 201 South Grand Ave. E.,
The deadline to provide feedback is Oct. 2.
You can submit feedback in two ways:
- Via email at
- Via mail to the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services, Attention: Waiver Operations Management, 201 South Grand Ave. E., 2FL, Springfield, IL 62763
HFS and the University of Illinois Chicago’s Division of Specialized Care for Children will review the comments and respond to them.
We will then submit comments to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as part of the amendment approval process.