Childcare, Learning and Education Tools Resources
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Updated resource 1
Resources and Strategies to Support Children with Disabilities and Their Families During COVID-19
COVID-19 has deeply impacted early childhood programs, children and families, and their communities.
This resource list, jointly created by the Office of Special Education Programs, the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center, the Office of Head Start and the OHS TA National Centers, may be helpful when seeking guidance and resources to help leaders, services providers, teachers, support staff, children and families during reopening and continuity of services.
Resources for Parents During Extended School Closures
A handout from the Learning Technology Center of Illinois that includes helpful resources by subject.
RespectAbility’s Virtual Education & Students With Disabilities Resource Guide
RespectAbility’s Virtual Education & Students with Disabilities Resource Guide offers a student with a disability or an adult (parent, guardian, teacher or otherwise) who is championing success for a student with a disability a wide range of information for supporting student success in the time of COVID-19 and beyond.
The toolkit includes virtual resource guides, homeschool programs, information on legal rights, special education resources, mental health resources and more.
Return to School for Youth with Special Healthcare Needs
Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago put together the “Return to School for Youth with Special Healthcare Needs: Key Questions and Considerations for Families” document to help families decide how their child will participate in their education during the COVID-19 pandemic. It includes questions to discuss with your child’s doctor and questions to discuss with your child’s school.
The National Association of School Nurses (NASN) provides the “Return to School Post-COVID-19 Closure Considerations for Students with Disabilities and Special Healthcare Needs” document to guide school nurses when planning for the return to school for students with disabilities and special healthcare needs.
Students with disabilities and special healthcare needs pose a unique challenge to school reentry in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The school nurse is an integral member of student-specific 504 and IEP teams, having knowledge regarding development, chronic health conditions and COVID-19. The NASN concludes that hrough conscientious, collaborative planning with primary healthcare providers, families and staff, most students with disabilities and special healthcare needs can attend school when adaptations and accommodations are provided.
Return to School Preparation Guide
Family Matters Parent Training and Information Center has put together this guide to help parents who are unsure of the return-to-school options for their child with special education needs.
The Return to School Preparation Guide is designed to help you prepare for the school year no matter where learning will take place for your child. This document was created for the 2020-2021 school year but contains helpful information and a checklist to help parents prepare.
Downloadable printables and projects from Scholastic to keep kids reading, thinking and learning.
School Help for Homeless Children with Disabilities: Information for Parents
The National Center for Homeless Education at SERVE (Supporting the Eduction of Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness) provides this information for families experiencing homelessness who have children with special needs.
This brief discusses common concerns and offers resources for additional assistance.
Southern Illinois University Center for Family Medicine’s Family Survival Kit
Educational and fun resources for families