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Transition: Social Resources

  • Digital Safety Resources from the Illinois Attorney General

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    Digital safety encompasses a wide variety of issues related to the use of computers, tablets, cell phones, games, apps and social media.  The Illinois Attorney General’s “Stay Connected, Stay Informed website” provides resources for children, teenagers, parents and educators seeking information about digital safety.

    Kids, teens, parents and teachers coping with cyberbullying and internet safety issues may also contact an Internet Safety Specialist at:

  • Disability EmpowerHer Network

    Disability EmpowHer Network is a non-profit run by and for girls and women with disabilities that connects, motivates, and guides girls and women to learn and develop to their highest potential and have the confidence to lead. The group, based in Rochester, NY, focuses on building skills and community by connecting girls with disabilities with successful women with disabilities to serve as mentors and role models.

    Resources and programs include:

    •  A stories blog
    • EmpowHer Camp (a year-long program)
    • Letter from a role model
    • Get a Mentor
    • EmpowHer Expressions, a public speaking and career coaching program
  • DSCC and Illinois LEND’s Transition Resources for Hispanic Teens in the Chicago Area

    The transition to adulthood can be a challenging time for both adolescents and their parents. These challenges can be more difficult when the adolescent has a disability.

    Illinois LEND (Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and related Disabilities) and the Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) partnered to provide helpful information about the unique challenges Hispanic families can face during the transition to adulthood. This resource list is aimed at transition-age teenagers and their families in the Chicago area:

    Transition Resources for Hispanic Teens (English)

    Transition Resources for Hispanic Teens (Spanish)

  • DSCC’s Importance of Friendships Tip Sheet

    The Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) created this tip sheet to help youth with special healthcare needs learn about the importance of making friends, sharing ideas and interests, and respecting themselves and others.

    The Importance of Friendships tip sheet in English

    The Importance of Friendships tip sheet in Spanish

  • DSCC’s It’s Great to be Involved Tip Sheet

    There are lots of ways to experience belonging. The Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) created this tip sheet to help youth with special healthcare needs and their families explore being involved in sports, leisure and other community activities. This tip sheet includes information on exploring your personal interests, funding and scholarships to support your activities, and steps you can take to get involved.

    It’s Great to be Involved tip sheet in English

    It’s Great to be Involved tip sheet in Spanish

  • DSCC’s My Body is Changing Tip Sheet

    The Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) created this tip sheet to help youth with special healthcare needs navigate puberty and learn about the changes they are experiencing.

    The tip sheet also includes information for parents on talking to your kids and surviving puberty.

    My Body is Changing tip sheet in English

    My Body is Changing tip sheet in Spanish

  • DSCC’s Relationships and Sexuality Development Tip Sheet

    Teens with disabilities have the same feelings, needs and desires as people without disabilities. The Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) created this tip sheet to help youth with special healthcare needs understand these feelings and learn about things to consider if they decide to date or have a personal relationship.

    Relationships and Sexuality Development tip sheet in English

    Relationships and Sexuality Development tip sheet in Spanish

  • DSCC’s Skills Checklist – Social

    The Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) created this checklist to help youth gain important social skills and abilities needed to reach their highest level of independence.  Youth can use this checklist to identify and build skills in areas such as communication, pet care, safety, socialization and recreation. Some of these activities may not apply to everyone.

    DSCC’s Social Skills Checklist in English

    DSCC’s Social Skills Checklist in Spanish 

  • DSCC’s Travel Safety Tip Sheet

    The Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) created this tip sheet for youth with special healthcare needs and their families to encourage travel safety. The tip sheet also provides information about adaptive driver programs and possible resources for vehicle adaptations.

    Travel Safety tip sheet in English

    Travel Safety tip sheet in Spanish

  • DuPage County Transition Planning Committee

    The DuPage County Transition Planning Committee is a group composed of representatives from the local special education co-ops, school districts, Department of Human Services-Division of Rehabilitation Services office, adult service providers, vocational coordinators, representatives of the business community, parents and clients. The committee meets to network, educate, learn, share and support services for individuals with disabilities